Friday, June 08, 2007

Betsy, the Sleepless Wonder

On Tuesday we tried to go to Story Time at the library--again--and the storyteller didn't show up--again. So we walked in the Park w/ Evelyn & Georgia and Ticia & William then we ate lunch at the Clubhouse. In the afternoon B and I went to Whole Foods. On Wednesday we went to the Park and tried to go to Story Time at another library, but couldn't get them on the phone. I think we may have to give up on Story Times. In the afternoon B and I went to Lakeside and we shared a frozen yogurt from Todd's and she was in heaven. After each bite she would clap and lick her lips and scream. We met Peter at Lafayette Square afterwards. It was REALLY hot, but B liked seeing all of P's work folks.

On Wed. night Betsy was up from 12:30 until 4:30. Peter and I took shifts and we were exhausted all day yesterday. She was fine once she was up and wanted to play, but when we put her down she would freak out. We tried to let her just cry, but we let 20 minutes pass and the result was that neither of us got any sleep. So we didn't do much yesterday and had to cancel Playgroup that was supposed to be at our house. B had an appointment with Dr. Warren and she got a new cast (#5). He thinks she should have it off in 3 weeks, which is when we go on our trip to the beach. Poor Betsy hates the saw they use to take the casts off. It does look pretty scary.

Last night Aunt Katie stopped by and so did Papa Vic. She was up from 3:45 until about 6. I can't figure out why. I'll post pics later.

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