Saturday, June 16, 2007

Bad Mommy

Playgroup went well on Thursday and the brownies were a success. On Friday we went to Lakeside and ran into Ticia & William. I bought B a cute tshirt to wear on Father's Day morning. On Friday afternoon Papa Vic came by then Marme came by. Last night P went to bed early because he had to wake up at 3 to go fishing with his Dad.

This morning we went to PJ's with Marme, Tim, Attie, Beau, & Coco. Then Marme watched B while I went to the Farmer's Market with A&B. Later on B and I went to M's with Attie. As we were checking out B started coughing a lot and we thought it was fake. As soon as we got to the car B started throwing up and continued to do so on the way home and Attie had to keep pulling over. My poor baby was so sick. Marme came over to help. After she started getting sick I started thinking about the new type of jar food I fed B for lunch--it was a mixed veggie dinner and I read the ingredients to see which veggies were in it and she had had them all before and tolerated them well. The last ingredient was tofu powder and it should have clicked that I shouln't feed this to her since she had such a terrible reaction to soy formula when she was around 2 months old. She only ate a few bites but didn't like it and ended up eating fruit and cheese. Thank goodness she didn't eat more. She was so sick even after we got home and kept crying. I feel so guilty for feeding my baby something that made her feel so bad. I talked to Tommy and he thinks that it may be the soy thing b/c she didn't have fever or any other symptoms at all. I can't believe a vegetarian's daughter is allergic to soy! I'll need to be very careful from now on since it seems that the formula wasn't just a fluke. Luckily we have an appointment with Tommy on Monday for her 9 month check up so I can talk to him more about this. By the end of the night tonight she seemed to be feeling better and was saying "Dadadadadadada" and crawling around. I just put her down at 10. I hope she sleeps through the night, but I'm not holding my breath.

We're having Papa Vic and the sisters and the boys over for Father's Day breakfast tomorrow. Happy Father's Day, dads out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! poor Betsy. I hope that she is feeling better today.Those allergie's are terrible, my Grandaughter who is 9 months old has a lot of food allergie's and is always breaking out in hives, its so sad. There's not much that she can eat and only weights 17 lbs. Don't be so hard on yourself, these things can happen, it happens to my Daughter too.