Gerber Puffs are these little "puffed grains with real veggies" or fruit and they are healthy and yummy (I've eaten my fair share) and B loves them. I can now put Betsy in her highchair and give her a handful of Puffs while I prepare our breakfast and our lunch. I am indebted to Gerber for inventing these delightful treats.
Yesterday Aunt Attie stopped by with PJ's and visited--we missed her morning visits so much! Yesterday was really, really, really hot. It was 97 degrees and broke a record. I decided it was too hot to bring B to the Park so I attempted to bring her to the babysitting room at the JCC while I worked out. For several reasons--8 kids and one high school babysitter, B was by far the youngest, an evil 3 year old grabbed Betsy's face while the babysitter was holding her then proceeded to stick her finger in B's mouth, after the 3 year old incident B looked at me and started crying then I started crying, the toys were filthy, and the babysitter told a child not to put a toy in her mouth because the toys are VERY dirty--I grabbed Betsy after being in there for 5 minutes and went home. I called Peter from the car hysterically crying; it was obviously very traumatic for me. We met Evelyn, Georgia, Ticia, and William at Daneel Park and let the babies swing for a bit, but after a half hour we were all dripping wet so we left. In the afternoon B and I hit Sav-a-Center and got caught in an afternoon shower. Papa Vic stopped by to see us in the evening. Last night B was in the best mood. She and her Daddy played a game where B would put her rubber ducky in her mouth and scream then would put it in (well, really near) P's mouth and he would scream--very cute--and she ate like a champ and had yogurt mixed with yummy blueberries from the Farmer's Market for dessert. P and I decided we're going to start getting all of our produce from the Farmer's Market from now on. It tastes so much better than store bought produce and helps out local farmers, so starting Saturday that's our plan.
Attie stopped by again this morning. Then we went to Story Time at Latter Library and the story lady showed up--hooray! We met Evelyn, Georgia, Ticia, and William there. The babies were really good and listened then grabbed each other's feet, hair, etc. and crawled around. They got to play in this little section of the library with bean bags and a window unit (B's favorite thing in there) and tons of cool books. We just got home and B is napping--29 minutes and counting....She's up and she just fed me a Puff!
Betsy's current faves (besides Puffs): posing in the mirror with Aunt Attie, her new musical wall hanging from Italy, her Pottery Barn Kids pink chair, her new CD player, and hanging with her pals.