I was inspired by Julie to make a list of a bunch of things that B is doing right now. She is really talking up a storm. When she wakes up in the morning she says Mama and Dada then 'nana--bananas are her favorite food on the planet. When she wakes up from her nap she begins to rattle off a list of names--Dada, Gumbo, Marme (it sounds like "maw maw"), Kay Kay, Adda, Bobo, Peta, Bee, etc. When she drops (or throws) things she says "uh oh." Since she's been sick she wants to sit on my lap and she'll say "lap, lap" or sometimes "sit, sit." If I'm eating something and she looks interested I'll say, "would you like a taste?" I guess I've offered her a taste of pudding so often that she calls pudding "taste." When I change her diaper she looks at her light that has moons and stars around it and says "light, moon, star" then she says "cull cull" and moves her hands (it means twinkle and she does the hand movements from our music class). She has started saying "diaper" when I put on her diaper and "cream" for diaper cream and she names her clothes as I put them on "pants, socks, shoes." She has been sleeping with a teddy bear and baby doll for the last few months and Peter gives them to her every night when she goes to sleep. Now she likes to take them out of bed with her after she naps. When I take her out of her crib she says "baby" and I'll stretch and contort my body (it's hard to reach into her crib with this belly) and get the doll, then she says "bear" and I'll reach in again. B has started to call Cheerios "toodl-os" and she calls milk "mongo" when she's sleepy and "milk" when she's more awake. The other day B referred to Elmo as Elmo rather than "La, la." She likes to make her dolls and stuffed animals kiss each other and she makes a kissing sound when she does it. She requests crackers all day long--these days a cracker is a Triscuit--it used to be a graham cracker. And she still whispers some of her words, like cracker, Peter (Peta), please, ta-ta. Tonight I asked B to go get her balloon and show it to Peter. She walked into the living room, got the balloon, then proudly showed it to her Daddy. I still get freaked out when she follows commands--she's becoming a little girl and less and less of a baby every day.
Here are the pudding pics! Needless to say, I put her straight in the tub afterwards.
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