Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

On Tuesday we made an early morning trip to Walmart. I've decided that I can no longer go to the grocery store on big trips with Betsy--she's very antsy and unloading the car is exhausting. From now on we'll have to do our major grocery shopping on the weekends. B took a good morning nap then we went to the Parenting Center and met Evelyn and Georgia. B took another nap in the afternoon then she went to Marme's when she woke up. I got some housework done and started making dinner.

Today was so rainy and cold and windy. We talked to Krista and decided that we would both stay home today instead of trying to do something. I thought it would be a tough day since B asks to go 'bye bye' after breakfast and walks to the door and says 'bye bye' many times a day. Today she only said it once, but I think it's because I made sure we had an action-packed day. We played downstairs, in B's room, in P's and my room, and in the living room. B and I made cookies and read books and played with all of her toys. We also listened to music and danced and B played with bowls and spoons while I made dinner. She was so sweet today and we had a blast. She only took a morning nap and for the past few days she's been taking two naps so by 7:00 she was so tired. She finished her dinner then P bathed her and he put her down.

Exciting news---we FINALLY received the hardware for the kitchen Santa gave B for Christmas. I have been calling and emailing for the past 24 days. Peter is downstairs assembling it as I write this. Yay!

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