After Betsy eats her lunch and later on in the afternoon Betsy has started whispering "king cake"--she tends to whisper words for different foods. She and I have eaten half of a kingcake in 2 days. Earlier today Betsy woke up from her nap and said "mongo, mongo." She's been saying mongo a lot lately and I thought she was referring to the giant gingerbread cookie named Mongo in Shrek 2. I decided to let her watch a few minutes of Shrek 2 while I fixed lunch. She started crying and kept saying "mongo, mongo." I put her in her highchair and told her I'd give her some milk. As soon as I pulled the carton out of the refrigerator she smiled and said, "Mongo! Mongo!" and when I gave it to her she said, "MONGO!!!!" So I guess that she's calling milk mongo. I was trying to figure out why when I remembered that at the end of Shrek 2 a huge bucket of milk is poured on the Mongo character and Shrek shouts, "Mongo!" That's the only explanation that makes sense to me.
We went to the Parenting Center this afternoon for playgroup. We found out that Aidan is going to be in Betsy's class at St. Charles Presbyterian this fall--I'm so excited! Betsy showed a little jealousy when I picked up Georgia and later William--both times she ran across the room towards me shouting "Mama! Mama!" and lifting up her arms for me to hold her. Look out, Sadie...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Yesterday we received a letter stating that Betsy has been invited to attend St. Charles Presbyterian Nursery School. She starts on September 2. It's exciting, but I really can't believe that my baby will be starting school in the fall.
Peter got home yesterday--hooray! It was a loooong three days without him. Marme came over on Sunday night and Monday night and helped out a bunch--thanks, Marme!
On Monday we went to Music Class and B was her usual hammy self. B, Papa Vic/Gumbo, Katie and Lola went to the Park in the afternoon to feed the ducks. Yesterday we went to the Zoo with Evelyn & Georgia. Marme took B yesterday afternoon for an hour and I was able to pick up Betsy's huge Mardi Gras bead, cup, and stuffed animal collection. Peter got home yesterday evening and when B saw him she said "Dada!!!" and ran up to him and hugged him--so sweet.
This morning we went to Whole Foods and we got another kingcake--it is really good. B is napping, but will probably get up soon. I'll post some pics later.
Peter got home yesterday--hooray! It was a loooong three days without him. Marme came over on Sunday night and Monday night and helped out a bunch--thanks, Marme!
On Monday we went to Music Class and B was her usual hammy self. B, Papa Vic/Gumbo, Katie and Lola went to the Park in the afternoon to feed the ducks. Yesterday we went to the Zoo with Evelyn & Georgia. Marme took B yesterday afternoon for an hour and I was able to pick up Betsy's huge Mardi Gras bead, cup, and stuffed animal collection. Peter got home yesterday evening and when B saw him she said "Dada!!!" and ran up to him and hugged him--so sweet.
This morning we went to Whole Foods and we got another kingcake--it is really good. B is napping, but will probably get up soon. I'll post some pics later.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Mardi Gras Time
We were anxious to see how Betsy reacted to seeing her first parade of the year. On Saturday Momma Lady, Grandpa, Aunt Bridget, Uncle Brian, and Charlie came in town for lunch and a parade. P made barbeque beef in the crock pot and I made a salad and we had kingcake for dessert. Charlie and Betsy played downstairs and both were not happy when we had to go back upstairs for lunch. Both of the kids ate a good lunch and Momma Lady fed B kingcake and B would run around the living room, screaming, and playing with Charlie then run back to Momma Lady for more kingcake. Grandpa pulled the kids in the wagon and although it was freezing and misting outside we all had a blast. Betsy and Charlie both stared at the bands and floats with their mouths wide open. They both got tons of beads and stuffed animals. When we got home they played with all of their stuff and B continued to play with her loot today.
Today Peter left for Seattle and he doesn't get back till Tuesday evening. B has already looked all over the house for him and she was knocking on the front door and saying "Dada, dada!" I miss him already. We went to a parade with Aunt Attie and B. At first the weather was awful, but then the sun came out and it warmed up. After the parade we went to Babies R Us to pick out things for Attie's registry. Tonight Marme came over to watch the SAG Awards--we were really ready for an awards show since The Golden Globes show was cancelled.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Chuck E. Cheese
Today B and I met Krista, Lauren, & Ryan and Jessica, Reed, & Travis at Chuck E. Cheese. B had never been so I wasn't sure whether she would like it. At first she was a little bit overwhelmed, but soon enough she was running around, enjoying the rides, dancing, and chowing down on pizza. We were there for 3 hours and she had a blast! I was exhausted afterwards and I thought B would take a huge nap--no such luck, she slept for 45 minutes. When she woke up I wanted to just snuggle on the sofa, but she wanted "more book" so we read lots and lots of books. We visited Marme then Katie (Kay-Kay) came over to look at the bedding I bought for the babies. I can't decide whether to keep it or return it or return one set. Attie is coming over in the morning to help me make up my mind and to visit and she's bringing PJ's--yay! Tonight Papa Vic stopped by and when B saw him she smiled a huge smile and said "Gummmooo!" Now Papa Vic did bring gumbo over a couple of weeks ago, but I guess she thinks gumbo is his name. When he left the room B said "Gummo? Gummo?" and when he returned she said "Gummo!" Papa Vic and the sisters aren't too thrilled about the grandkids calling him Gumbo, but maybe it'll stick. It's not even 9 and I'm going to bed soon.
We're looking forward to bringing B to Mardi Gras parades. Here's a pic of our baby last year at Mardi Gras:
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Betsy's obsession with Shrek/Demma is at an all time high because Uncle Peter and Aunt Katie brought her a Shrek doll last night. She kept hugging him and saying "Demma. Demma? Demma!!!" Every time she saw him all night she would act like it was the first time she saw him. I have been looking for a Shrek doll, but I haven't been able to find one. B is so happy!
Sorry I haven't written much--I have been fighting a horrible cold and it's been really rough since I can't take Nyquil and Dayquil! Today is the first time we have left the house since last Friday. I'm feeling better today so hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow and this cold will be gone. I'm so happy that B and P haven't gotten sick.
Last Thursday we went to playgroup at Sarah's house. On Friday we met Evelyn and Georgia at the Parenting Center. B played really hard and took a big nap in the afternoon. The weather started turning nasty and my cold appeared on Friday night. On Saturday Peter worked downstairs and B and I hung out and watched movies and played. B took a 2 hour nap and Attie and Marme took B for a while in the afternoon. Katie and Peter stopped by and brought us Ratatouille to borrow. On Sunday Grandpa came in town to help P downstairs. Larry and Carroll stopped by with some gumbo (gummo as B calls it) and B loved it and when we played in her kitchen every time I'd ask her what she was cooking she'd say "gummo." I gave B her own piece of corn on the cob and she did well with it--we eventually had to take it away so she could have a bath, but she probably would've chomped on it for a while longer.
Yesterday I woke up at 330 am and couldn't go back to sleep. B was a trooper all day and we played, read books, and watched Ratatouille.
Today I had my 6 month checkup and everything is great. I had my blood glucose test--I hope I pass! B and I did some errands, because I was having major cabin fever! Marme has B so I decided to update the blog!
Betsy wants to read books together all the time now. She'll stare at her bookshelf and say "book, book" and then I'll hand her some books and she'll sit in my lap. When I finish a book she says "more, book." She also has started saying "downa," which means she wants to go downstairs and play.

Sorry I haven't written much--I have been fighting a horrible cold and it's been really rough since I can't take Nyquil and Dayquil! Today is the first time we have left the house since last Friday. I'm feeling better today so hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow and this cold will be gone. I'm so happy that B and P haven't gotten sick.
Last Thursday we went to playgroup at Sarah's house. On Friday we met Evelyn and Georgia at the Parenting Center. B played really hard and took a big nap in the afternoon. The weather started turning nasty and my cold appeared on Friday night. On Saturday Peter worked downstairs and B and I hung out and watched movies and played. B took a 2 hour nap and Attie and Marme took B for a while in the afternoon. Katie and Peter stopped by and brought us Ratatouille to borrow. On Sunday Grandpa came in town to help P downstairs. Larry and Carroll stopped by with some gumbo (gummo as B calls it) and B loved it and when we played in her kitchen every time I'd ask her what she was cooking she'd say "gummo." I gave B her own piece of corn on the cob and she did well with it--we eventually had to take it away so she could have a bath, but she probably would've chomped on it for a while longer.
Yesterday I woke up at 330 am and couldn't go back to sleep. B was a trooper all day and we played, read books, and watched Ratatouille.
Today I had my 6 month checkup and everything is great. I had my blood glucose test--I hope I pass! B and I did some errands, because I was having major cabin fever! Marme has B so I decided to update the blog!
Betsy wants to read books together all the time now. She'll stare at her bookshelf and say "book, book" and then I'll hand her some books and she'll sit in my lap. When I finish a book she says "more, book." She also has started saying "downa," which means she wants to go downstairs and play.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away
On Tuesday we made an early morning trip to Walmart. I've decided that I can no longer go to the grocery store on big trips with Betsy--she's very antsy and unloading the car is exhausting. From now on we'll have to do our major grocery shopping on the weekends. B took a good morning nap then we went to the Parenting Center and met Evelyn and Georgia. B took another nap in the afternoon then she went to Marme's when she woke up. I got some housework done and started making dinner.
Today was so rainy and cold and windy. We talked to Krista and decided that we would both stay home today instead of trying to do something. I thought it would be a tough day since B asks to go 'bye bye' after breakfast and walks to the door and says 'bye bye' many times a day. Today she only said it once, but I think it's because I made sure we had an action-packed day. We played downstairs, in B's room, in P's and my room, and in the living room. B and I made cookies and read books and played with all of her toys. We also listened to music and danced and B played with bowls and spoons while I made dinner. She was so sweet today and we had a blast. She only took a morning nap and for the past few days she's been taking two naps so by 7:00 she was so tired. She finished her dinner then P bathed her and he put her down.
Exciting news---we FINALLY received the hardware for the kitchen Santa gave B for Christmas. I have been calling and emailing for the past 24 days. Peter is downstairs assembling it as I write this. Yay!
Today was so rainy and cold and windy. We talked to Krista and decided that we would both stay home today instead of trying to do something. I thought it would be a tough day since B asks to go 'bye bye' after breakfast and walks to the door and says 'bye bye' many times a day. Today she only said it once, but I think it's because I made sure we had an action-packed day. We played downstairs, in B's room, in P's and my room, and in the living room. B and I made cookies and read books and played with all of her toys. We also listened to music and danced and B played with bowls and spoons while I made dinner. She was so sweet today and we had a blast. She only took a morning nap and for the past few days she's been taking two naps so by 7:00 she was so tired. She finished her dinner then P bathed her and he put her down.
Exciting news---we FINALLY received the hardware for the kitchen Santa gave B for Christmas. I have been calling and emailing for the past 24 days. Peter is downstairs assembling it as I write this. Yay!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Weekend (and last week) Roundup
Sorry I've been such a slacker about posting. Here's what we've been up to.
On Wednesday the Saunders kids came over to play. B and Lauren had fun in B's cottage and they made Krista and me tea and other delicious treats. On Thursday we went to playgroup at Andrea's house. Andrea is due next month and her nursery is precious! On Thursday night Papa Vic, Katie, and Peter A came over for dinner; Papa Vic brought gumbo. Betsy loved it and has been saying "gummo" ever since. On Friday I toured St. Charles Presbyterian Nursery School. The school was great and the director was really nice. The thought of little B going to school sort of freaks me out, but by next fall I think she'll definitely be ready. I'm interested in the 3 day a week program. The days are short (9-12) and I think it would be great for B. Katie watched B while I toured the school. After B took a nap we picked up Katie and went to lunch at Siamese then to Lakeside. B is no longer happy to ride in her stroller while we're in the mall--she wants to walk. On Friday night we ordered August Moon.
On Saturday we went to Baton Rouge for Charlie's second birthday party. B had fun playing with Charlie's toys and eating the yummy birthday cake. B also liked seeing the other children playing. Charlie taught B a new word that she used while at his party--MINE! I think that once kids turn 18 months old "mine" becomes their favorite word. After the party we visited the Stone Family. B played with Camille in her playhouse and her kitchen. Andrew and Camille are growing up so fast and are so precious. On Saturday night P and I went to see "Juno"--it was awesome; we highly recommend it. P woke up on Sunday with the nasty stomach virus that B and I had 2 weeks ago. Luckily he's feeling better today. We went to Elmwood with Marme and Attie until B reached her limit.
Today we went to music class then to lunch at Slice with Laurie and Ian. B loves pizza so she was in heaven. B took 2 naps today--woo hoo!
B's latest words are umbrella and book. She is obsessed with bananas and asks for a banana as soon as she wakes up in the morning.
The little baby is starting to move around a lot and we have decided that her name will be Sadie Babin Bourgeois.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Tigers #1!
Betsy and I watched the game last night--well, she lasted until 8. She kept saying "go" and holding my cheeks and trying to get me to say "go." Yesterday we went to Music class. Peter came home from work early so we got to all hang out. We went to the Zoo today with Evelyn and Georgia. B had a good time--she is a huge zoo fan. I stopped at Wendy's and got a Frosty for us to split. I gave it to B in a bowl with a spoon and she did a great job getting it into her mouth, but then she got it all over her dress and in her hair. Now she is in a diaper and shoes dancing around the living room.

Monday, January 07, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Weekend Roundup
B and I are finally better. On Thursday I got to rest while B was in Vacherie--thanks Momma Lady and Grandpa! We stayed in on Friday and Saturday and today she and I both ate real meals. We went to the zoo this morning. B rode the carousel for the first time. She seemed to like it--looking at P and B on it made me feel a little green--it goes so fast. B is really starting to pay attention to the animals at the zoo. It's getting tough to keep her in her stroller--she wants to walk everywhere.
B has started picking up a bag--my purse or the camera case or a grocery bag--and walking to the door and saying "bye bye" and blowing me kisses. She'll stand by the door for a few minutes then she goes back to doing whatever it was she was doing.
When B is tired of sitting in her highchair or for example, today she was tired of wearing her new puppy slippers she says "all done"--she used to only say it when she was finished eating.
Yesterday I taught Betsy the baby sign for "more" and to say "more" when she wants more food. She used it yesterday a lot and even more today. Now she just points to her highchair and says "more," but we're not quite sure what she wants more of. She really loves cookies and starts saying "cook, cook" early in the morning. Peter made chocolate chip cookies this weekend so she was in heaven.
B has started to spin in circles and then she giggles afterwards. She has also started to fake laugh at different points throughout the day.
This afternoon B said what sounded like "buckeyebuckeyebuckeyebuckeye" and the more Peter tried to get her to say "tigers" she kept saying "buckeye"--we're not sure where she got it from, but it was pretty funny.
I'm tired--I'll post pictures tomorrow.
B has started picking up a bag--my purse or the camera case or a grocery bag--and walking to the door and saying "bye bye" and blowing me kisses. She'll stand by the door for a few minutes then she goes back to doing whatever it was she was doing.
When B is tired of sitting in her highchair or for example, today she was tired of wearing her new puppy slippers she says "all done"--she used to only say it when she was finished eating.
Yesterday I taught Betsy the baby sign for "more" and to say "more" when she wants more food. She used it yesterday a lot and even more today. Now she just points to her highchair and says "more," but we're not quite sure what she wants more of. She really loves cookies and starts saying "cook, cook" early in the morning. Peter made chocolate chip cookies this weekend so she was in heaven.
B has started to spin in circles and then she giggles afterwards. She has also started to fake laugh at different points throughout the day.
This afternoon B said what sounded like "buckeyebuckeyebuckeyebuckeye" and the more Peter tried to get her to say "tigers" she kept saying "buckeye"--we're not sure where she got it from, but it was pretty funny.
I'm tired--I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
It's a.........
........GIRL! I had my 20 week ultrasound today and we're having another girl! Everything on the ultrasound looked great. We are thrilled!!! Peter and I are still deciding on the name, but we should make up our minds soon.
This past weekend we did lots of projects around the house and played downstairs with B's new toys. We made it to Music class on Monday so B could see some of her buds. We had a mellow New Year's Eve--picked up Lebanon and watched Shrek 2 with B--she's totally obsessed with Shrek (or "demma" as she calls him--we have no idea why). B wasn't feeling too well on Monday night and Tuesday--tummy virus. Momma Lady and Grandpa picked up B this evening and are bringing her back tomorrow. It was great timing b/c I seem to have caught B's virus. I'm going to lie on the sofa and look at baby bedding online--yay!!!
This past weekend we did lots of projects around the house and played downstairs with B's new toys. We made it to Music class on Monday so B could see some of her buds. We had a mellow New Year's Eve--picked up Lebanon and watched Shrek 2 with B--she's totally obsessed with Shrek (or "demma" as she calls him--we have no idea why). B wasn't feeling too well on Monday night and Tuesday--tummy virus. Momma Lady and Grandpa picked up B this evening and are bringing her back tomorrow. It was great timing b/c I seem to have caught B's virus. I'm going to lie on the sofa and look at baby bedding online--yay!!!
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