Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy (Day After) Halloween!

B's first Halloween was lots of fun. She was in good spirits despite the fact that she woke up yesterday at 4:15 and only took an hour nap all day.

On Monday we went to our last Kindermusik class then to PJs. On Tuesday I had my first ultrasound. It was a loooong morning (my Dr's office moved my appt. to another office and didn't tell me so we rushed from Ochsner to the office in Metairie, 2 of the 3 elevators were broken so we had to climb 7 flights of stairs), but once I had the ultrasound it was all better. At first Peter and Dr. M's assistant had strange expressions on their faces and I couldn't see the monitor so I asked them what was going on. No one said anything for a minute, then Dr. M told me that at first it looked like twins, but it was just one. The baby was moving all around and we heard the heartbeat. B wasn't too impressed--she was busy eating cheerios. Afterwards we all went to lunch. B is starting to get sort of impatient at restaurants and wants to get down from the highchair. She used to love sitting in her highchair and trying new foods. Now she's over it. Yesterday we had our last Walkers to Talkers class. In the afternoon we made cupcakes to bring to Attie & Beau's house. We went trick or treating in their neighborhood and B was such a trooper and even held her pumpkin for a while. She was really tired and fell asleep a couple of times while P was holding her. Marme made delicious vegetable soup and the cupcakes were a hit.

B woke up today at 6:20--2 hours later than she has gotten up for the past two days. It was awesome. We went to the Park earlier to feed the ducks--they are really aggressive and I had to toss the last couple of pieces of bread and make a run for it!

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