On Monday Attie came by in the morning to visit. Later on we went to visit Krista, Lauren, and Ryan. Ryan is getting bigger; we couldn't visit him for a week because Lauren was sick and we didn't want B to get sick. Lauren gave Betsy a bunch of kisses on the head; it was so cute. We went to the mall to return B's Pottery Barn Kids crib bedding, because it was recalled. Yikes! Thanks for the heads up, Neila! Betsy and I shared a veggie sandwich from Subway and Lisa bought B and Lauren each a sugar cookie. We love Li-li! Michelle and her family were in town for the night so we met her and Casey at Lebanon for dinner. B was very good and she really loves her hummus, feta cheese, and pita bread. She tried some of P's lamb and ate every bit of it.
On Tuesday morning we went to the Parenting Center and met Evelyn, Georgia, Ticia, and Will. It was a madhouse. Apparently that is a very popular time for the playroom. We had to get out of there after less than an hour, because of all of the aggressive, undisciplined four year olds who were throwing toys at all of the younger kids. It was scary. Marme came over in the afternoon to watch B while I went to the gym.
On Wednesday morning we went to Gym Rompers then we went to Target and PJ's with Evelyn and Georgia. B and I then went to Party City to order balloons for her birthday party, but we were told that if we placed the order now that my order may be lost so I should place it closer to the party date.
This morning we went to the eye doctor and B was not happy about the fact that we were there for 2 hours and kept getting shuffled from room to room. All of the patients and staff loved her, but she was a squirmy disaster toward the end of the appointment. In the afternoon we met playgroup at the Parenting Center. The playroom was empty when I got there--what a dream! B had a blast playing with her friends. She slept while we were there for about 30-45 minutes, but then woke up and continued playing. It's 9:30 and she's still going strong. I'm hoping she goes to sleep soon. I'll take her new routine of going to bed at 10 and getting up at 7 over the up all night routine anyday.
Tomorrow is Neila's birthday. Have a great day!!!

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