On Saturday we woke up and went to the Farmer's Market with Attie and Beau and ran into the Vaicius clan. Then P,B, and I went to Lauren's first birthday party at the Children's Museum. There were lots of cool things for B to look at. Then we decided to walk to the Riverwalk and the Aquarium. Betsy really loved the huge tanks with really big fish because she could follow them with her eyes. She also loved the jellyfish. After our day downtown we went to Attie & Beau's for wine and cheese--we are fancy folk. Saturday night we were wiped out after our day o' fun.
Yesterday we fed Betsy in her highchair for the first time. She spit out most of the cereal, but she liked being in the highchair! Later on Larry and Carroll came over to visit and brought us some yummy treats. Betsy blew bubbles the whole time and screeched. Later Attie, B, and I did some shopping and went to lunch at Siamese. Betsy has this fake cough thing that she does and I read that when babies are learning to make noises they often fake cough because it gets them lots of attention. She coughs all the time. Well, yesterday she did it a bunch and last night Peter and I noticed she had a runny nose. So the fake cough was a real cough! Oops--I felt so bad. This is her first cold. She fell asleep at 7 (very rare for her) and slept pretty soundly until about 5 when she started coughing more and I went to check on her. I changed her and rocked her and she fell back to sleep eventually. She's in a good mood today--playing with her toys and rolling all around. Looks like we're staying in today so my little boo gets better--it's sooo cold outside!

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