We had a busy week and it was cold outside and we loved it. On Wednesday we went to Walkers to Talkers. B enjoys going in the playroom without me and playing with the other children. In the afternoon we went to the Zoo with Krista, Lauren, and Ryan. B slept half of the time, but when she woke up she had a good time. On Thursday we made up a Kindermusik class then went to Itsy Bitsy Me with Andrea and William. I bought B a few more bows since they seem to mysteriously disappear. Aunt Attie came over for lunch--a nice treat! In the afternoon we went to Caroline's for the playgroup Halloween party. All of the kids looked precious in their costumes. B wore here LSU cheerleader outfit. Caroline was sweet enough to perform major surgery on B's goldfish costume--B didn't like the fact that it covered her ears and was snug around her face. After Caroline worked her magic B kept it on without a problem. On Friday we went to see Uncle Tommy for B's follow up flu shot. We went to visit Aunt Katie then went to lunch at Superior (my Mexican food craving is very intense when I'm pregnant) then we went shopping for baby girl Carville. In the evening we went to Boo at the Zoo. I was worried that B would be fussy since she only took a 20 minute nap all day, but she was fine. She really liked seeing all of the other children in costumes.
Yesterday we went to a birthday party for the Wilson twins at Daneel Park. B wore her LSU cheerleader outfit. She didn't want to be held; she just wanted to walk around while holding my or Peter's hand. We went to lunch at Hana and B loved the tempura veggies. We went to Home Depot to look at carpeting for downstairs. We think we know what we want. Momma Lady, Grandpa, and Charlie came in town to go to Boo at the Zoo and they stopped by afterwards. B kept trying to kiss Charlie. Aunt Penny came in town for the weekend. For those who don't know Aunt Penny, she and Marme look a lot alike--B was very confused. She called Aunt Penny "Mmmmmmm" which is what she calls Marme. She kept looking at Marme then at Aunt Penny with the funniest expression on her face. Today we hung out at home. Attie, Marme, and Aunt Penny stopped by. I organized B's closets and P worked downstairs. We all watched the Saints game this afternoon and B seemed to be really into it.
Last week I was giving Betsy some cut up banana for breakfast and I said "nana" and she said "banana." I gave her spaghetti o's the other day for the first time and I kept saying "uh oh, spaghetti o's" and after a while she started saying "spagitty" when I'd say "uh oh." It's very cute. B is walking a few steps here and there. She jumps from the sofa to the rocking chair and from the sofa to her little chair.