Friday, September 28, 2007

Shot Day

On Thursday morning we made up a Kindermusik class. It was more fun this week and B really likes the singing and dancing. In the afternoon we went to playgroup at Andrea's house. Andrea made this delicious cheeseball and the kids enjoyed playing with William's new birthday toys. Last night B did not sleep well. She was up from 3 till 6. I don't get it--not sure if she's teething or what.

Today we went to Uncle Tommy's for B's one year checkup. She got 4 shots--poor baby--and she cried so hard. I got a flu shot and it hurt so I know that 4 shots really really hurt. Betsy weighs 20 lbs, 9 oz (right below 50th percentile) and is 29 inches long (right above 50th perecentile). I can't believe she was so tiny when she was born and now she's all caught up. We hung out at home this afternoon and Betsy destroyed the living room and kitchen. She pulled out every toy and everything she could pull out of the pantry. We both napped for an hour, which was nice since last night was so rough.

B is lying on her boppy right now drinking her bottle. Her eyes are very heavy. She's off of daytime bottles now--just one in the morning and one at night. I'm going to cut out the morning bottle in a few days--the nighttime bottle is going to be the toughest. I'll post pics later. Today I gave B a lunch with lots of foods including hummus. She had so much fun squishing the hummus in her hands. Cleanup was not fun.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm Back!

Yesterday was Julie's bday--Happy Bday, Jules!

I got home from NYC yesterday. We had a wonderful time--shopping, eating, saw a play, walking, talking, laughing, visiting with friends. We even saw Kim Catrall (Samantha) on the street. The Sex & the City movie is filming in NYC and we found out where they were filming and stalked it up for about an hour. We saw Kim C. and she was super sweet and waved and we took a few pics--mine didn't come out so good. Our hotel was in a great location and we basically walked everywhere. I really missed my little family. It was especially hard being away from Betsy. Peter was a trooper while I was gone and took B to a party and to Peter A's to watch the LSU game. Momma Lady and Grandpaw came over on Sunday and Papa Vic had B all day on Monday. Thanks to everyone for their help!

When I first saw B she looked at me with an odd expression then she started laughing and smiling and jumping in Peter's arms. She gave me tons of hugs and we spent the whole rainy day snuggled up, napping, and playing. She had been stuffy for part of the weekend and she still was. Peter said she didn't sleep well while I was gone and he looked exhausted when I got home. Last night she slept for 10 straight hours--heavenly!

We started Walkers to Talkers class today. The moms meet in one room and the babies play in another room. B had a blast playing with Georgia and the other kids and it was nice to talk about mom issues with the other moms. We hit Walmart this afternoon--nightmare as usual. I've read so many horrible things lately about polycarbonate bottles so I decided to toss all of B's and buy new bottles. It's a shame that I'm buying new bottles when I plan to wean her soon, but it's worth it for my peace of mind.

Kim Catrall in NYC:

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy Birthday to B!

Yesterday our sweet baby turned one. It's hard to believe that a year has passed. It's been the most wonderful year of our lives. I thank God every day for Betsy.

On Thursday we went to the zoo--just B and me--because the weather was so nice. Later on we went to playgroup at the Parenting Center. The mommies were talking and we looked at the kids playing in the kitchen area and Betsy and Will P. were kissing on the lips. We all cracked up and they quickly separated and Will crawled away. It was so cute, but I didn't have my camera handy so I couldn't capture it.

Yesterday B and I did some errands to get me ready for my trip to NYC. All day we were wondering if we were going to be able to go because of this weird thing in the Gulf. Looks like we're going to be able to go--leaving for the airport in less than an hour.

Last night Papa Vic, Attie, Beau, Katie, and Peter came over for pizza and two bite brownies to celebrate B's bday. B did lots of good tricks--fish face, walking with walker, said 'hello.' It was lots of fun.

Here's a pic of B on the night she was born:

I'll be back on Tuesday!!!

Tomorrow Is B's Bday!

On Monday we went to our first Kindermusik class. It was, um, interesting. There was a lot of singing and dancing by the mommies and the kids were sort of confused. On Tuesday morning we went to Walmart and B was unhappy the whole time. It turns out that she had a tummy ache. Later on I let her go crazy with some lime jello. I bought B some baby crayons and a coloring book and we colored. I felt like she was so grown up. Marme watched B for a while in the afternoon so I could do some heavy duty cleaning. Yesterday we went to Krista's then to the Mall with Kris & the kids. We were going to make up a Kindermusik class today, but B woke up at 445 then went back to sleep at 730 and I didn't want to wake her up. We're going to the Parenting Center this afternoon.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Happy Early Bday, Little B!

Here's a quick rundown on the end of our week before the big party update. On Thursday it stormed so we stayed in all day and had to miss our make-up Kindermusik and playgroup decided not to meet. On Friday B, Katie, and I did some last minute errands for the party. On Friday night Marme, Katie, and I went to Attie's to get things ready.

The party was a success. We had a wonderful time and I want to thank everyone who came. B received lots of wonderful gifts and had so much fun opening them and playing with the wrapping paper and ribbon. B didn't take a morning nap so she fell asleep in Momma Lady's arms and slept through most of the party. When she woke up she was in a great mood and full of energy. For the first time she pulled herself up on her walking toy and pushed it around. And she took a couple of steps on her own--from furniture to me--well, actually she took one step two different times. She also stood by herself three or four times for at least 5 seconds. Attie taught her how to make a fish face, which is precious. Thanks to everyone who helped me set up the party! It was so much fun!

Today I gave B her cake again and she went nuts. The pics are proof!

She did a trick earlier in the week that I didn't report. She started to try to do the little hand motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" when I sing it. It's very cute.

There's also a pic of Betsy holding a picture of my dear friend Terri's new baby girl. Terri lives in Australia and I haven't seen her in six years. I can't wait for our babies to meet one day.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Momma Lady!

Momma Lady's birthday was actually yesterday, but I had no time to blog!

Sorry I haven't posted any pics, but this week has been crazy. On Monday I had a CLE all day and it was brutal. Peter stayed home half a day and Katie watched her the other half of the day. On Monday night we went to the Ducks Unlimited Dinner at Galatoire's with Dad and the sisters and the boys. It was really fun and the food was awesome. Marme watched B. Thanks, Katie and Marme!

Yesterday we went to the library for Story Time then to PJs with Ticia and Will. B met a little friend at Story Time. She crawled up to this 4 year old little girl and pointed to her shirt and the little girl put her arm around B and B beamed. The little girl kept her arm around B for the rest of the story and rubbed her back and made her stuffed animal give B kisses. After a bit I tried to get B to come by me and the little girl said, "Don't worry. She's fine. She's so cute!" It was the most precious thing ever. Marme came over in the afternoon to watch B while I got my hair cut. Last night B ate a huge bowl of black beans and fed herself some.

I had an interview this morning for a part-time position. I'm debating about whether or not to take it--it's 3 days a week and I don't think I'm ready for that. Today we went to the Children's Museum with Krista and the kids and Jess and Reed. B really loves that place. B has been a terrible sleeper lately. She has been up the last couple of nights and has been taking late naps and she gets really grouchy in the afternoons. I talked to Debbie at the Parenting Center and she gave me some great tips, which I will attempt to implement tonight! Marme came by and brought B to visit Katie, Peter, and Lola so I could have a few minutes to do some things. I'm off!!!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Weekend Roundup

On Thursday morning we went to Party City to order B's bday balloons. In the afternoon we went to playgroup at Jane's house then to Orient Expressed. On Friday we went to World Market then home for lunch and hung out. When P got home we went to Whole Foods to buy more whole milk for our baby girl. I made spaghetti Friday night and garlic bread and it was really good--if I do say so myself. Yesterday P's parents came over to visit. Last night we went to Target with Aunt Attie. P went to watch the LSU game at Attie & Beau's. Today we hung out here and at Marme's and did stuff around the house. It was a pretty low key weekend. Next weekend is B's party and the next weekend I'm going to NYC. So it's the last low key weekend for a while.

B is still pointing away. We gave her P's old cell phone and she's saying "hello" and picking it up constantly.

Sorry such a short post, but I am exhausted today. Pics tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Betsy has an awesome new trick. A couple of days ago I sang the 50s song "Lollipop" to her and there's a part in it where you put your finger in your mouth and make a popping sound. Well, B thought that was the coolest thing ever. The next time I started singing it, she immediately put her finger in her mouth and tried to make the sound. When it didn't work she put it in my mouth to try to make the sound. So now whenever I start to sing it she sticks her finger in her mouth. It is very cute and I hope to catch it on video soon.

B is also pointing at everything now and saying "dat" as she points.

Yesterday we went to the Park then to Story Time at Latter. We met Ticia & Will and Evelyn & Georgia. The babies crawled around, talked, and pulled up on anything they could. We left Story Time early and let the kids go wild in the kids' section of the library. I think we're going to give up on Story Time for a while, because the kids aren't too interested in it. Afterwards we went to PJs and B crashed. In the afternoon we met Andrea & William at the Parenting Center. I think B was in awe of his speed walking. Marme came over yesterday afternoon to visit. We love her Tuesday afternoon visits.

This morning we went to the Park again. Betsy seems to really enjoy our walks; she leans back and drinks her morning bottle while we walk. We met Kris & Lauren & Ryan and Jessica & Reed at the Children's Museum. B slept for the first 45 minutes while we were there. When she awoke she went wild and played with the dozens of puzzles and puppets--we only have 2 puzzles and 1 puppet at home and those are her favorites. In the afternoon we did some errrands then went to see Aunt Katie and Lola. They were waiting for us at the door and as soon as B saw Lola she said "pup pup." She's started to say it when she sees dogs, but she usually whispers it. She said it loud and clear today and nearly jumped out of my arms to go to Aunt Katie. Once we got home she was in a fussy mood and any time I walked out of the room she would bawl. She went to sleep at 7 tonight. We're just waiting for her to get up. Maybe, just maybe she'll sleep all night....

Here are some pics. (I let B go crazy with a wedge of watermelon yesterday).

Monday, September 03, 2007

Betsy is a Chatterbox

Betsy has really started talking this weekend. She says hello and duck and sings (la la la). She's also a dancing maniac and when I sing she taps her foot and rocks back and forth.

On Sunday we went to BR to visit the Stone Family and meet Andrew. He is precious---just like his sister and his parents. Betsy had fun playing with Camille while I held Andrew and chatted with Neila. After our visit we tried to eat lunch at The Chimes, but the wait was too long so we ate at Serrano's next door. It seemed like everyone in there had tried to go to The Chimes and decided they didn't want to wait. Last night Peter and B hung out together and I went to Cooter Brown's with a bunch of folks. I got to catch up with some New Orleans girls and a couple of BR'ers.

Today we did some projects around the house and spent time with Marme and Aunt Attie. Marme is moving into our apartment and she was doing some cleaning and painting. We're thrilled to have her so close to us! In the afternoon Attie and I went to Houston's to satisfy her two day long craving for a baked potato. I was so afraid that they would be out of potatoes or something, but Attie was able to eat about half of her potato and smiled ear to ear the whole time. Tonight Dad and Bee took B to Byblos for dinner. She had a ball and was wide awake when she got home a little while ago. I thought she would've been exhausted since she only napped for about 45 minutes all day. P is rocking her right now.
Tricks update--she stood up a few times this weekend then let go of our hands for a few seconds.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


I have been keeping this secret for two months and it's been killing me! Aunt Attie is pregnant!!!! Hooray! We are so excited for her and Beau. Attie is such a wonderful aunt and godmother to Betsy and I know she will be a fantastic mother. Her due date is March 15. We can't wait!

On Friday B and I went to Target. In the afternoon we went to Evelyn's parents' house to swim. Both of the girls were exhausted after an hour of swimming. B took a two hour nap so I thought she'd be wide awake and cheerful for Katie's and my birthday dinner at Irene's. We went with Dad, Bee, Attie, Beau, Katie, and Peter. B ate some bread and butter, but she feel asleep before our food came so B didn't get a chance to try Irene's awesome eggplant parmesan. She woke up in time for the singing of 'Happy Birthday' to Katie and me. B wanted no part of the red velvet cake, however. She did try some today, though, and really liked it.

Today B woke up at 5:30. Didn't she realize it was Saturday? We went to lunch at St. James Cheese Company with Attie and Courtney L. The rest of the day we just hung out and B crawled around and pulled up a bunch. She is starting to say 'hello'--especially when she picks up her pretend cell phone and my real cell phone. She also did another magnificent trick today. We were listening to one of her CDs and 'If You're Happy and You Know It' came on. As soon as 'if you're happy and you know it' played, she clapped her hands--before the singer even sang the 'clap your hands' part! What can I say--she's brilliant.